13:59 Tuesday, January 01 2009

Mona 1999 - 2009

After several rough months, Mona went downhill rapidly over the past 24 hours. She had exhibited a gradual, but noticeable decline over the past 2 months. She spent more & more time sleeping, and lost all interest in playing or even treats. She spent most of the day yesterday wandering around the house crying in pain. Denise & I spent some time discussing the situation last night, and concluded that unless she showed a marked improvement today, that we'd likely need to take her to be put to sleep this week. Unfortunately, last night she experienced a collapse in motor function. Denise found her this morning laying on the floor, having thrown up on herself, and repeatedly twitching her legs as if she was trying to run. Her eyes were mostly closed, and she was unresponsive to external stimuli. She didn't get up to eat or drink the entire day. Even when we picked her up to hold her, she continued to twitch and didn't respond at all. At one point this afternoon, she appeared to suffer a seizure, and was shaking violently for a few minutes.
While we did warn David back in November that Mona was sick, and wouldn't be with us forever, he was understandably really upset today.
Denise took her to the vet this afternoon to be put to sleep.
Mona was a good cat. She loved everyone, always enjoyed a nice lap to snuggle in, and a nice hand to lick. She will be missed.