18:38 Wednesday, February 02 2005

mid way

Today wasn't bad, but was marked by moments of frustration. Just about everything that I tried to work on was either interrupted, or prevented by problems.
My neck is definitely doing better, so hopefully the end is near.
Google Maps is all the rage these days, and I have to agree, its a significant improvement over mapquest and yahooMaps. The only issue I have (and it is in beta, afterall) is that all the image tiles don't always load for me. When I played with it at work yesterday, all was good, but at home, it always fails to load between one and three tiles. I'm not quite sure what is going on, but hopefully it will be resolved.
David was fidgeting again when i got home from work, so we walked down to Safeway, and did the grocery shopping for the week. We got 4 tomatoes, two mangoes, tofu, two gallons of 1% milk, and six cans of tuna.
I just made some avacado tomato dip tonight. I had an avacado sitting around from last week, and figured I'd better do something with it before it starts to go bad. The tomato component is just two diced roma tomatoes. So i'll finish up the last of my tortilla chips with this dip. It looks pretty good.