14:14 Sunday, August 08 2003

lazy sunday

I just remembered what I forgot to mention yesterday. Friday night was miserable. I guess it was a fitting end to a mserable week. I stayed up until Denise got home from work right around midnight. Then, as if, on cue, one of our less evolved neighbors decided that midnight was the ideal time to host a party with 20 of their friends. on their balcony. so from midnight until around 3AM there was loud talking, laughing & music blasting through my bedroom window. And then David woke me at 6:30AM. So i got around 3 hours of sleep on friday night.
So that leads to today. Last night I slept infinitely better. No disturbing parties, thankfully. I did plan to call the police if it happened again. At any rate, i went to bed last night a bit after 10PM, and david woke me at 6:38AM. I tried to go back to sleep after I gave him a bottle, but once the sun is up, some deep part of my brain knows its daytime, and my mind just races through all the things i could, or should be doing.
Anyhoo, we lounged around a bit in the morning, and then went to for lunch. Don't let the cheesy website fool you, this place is amazing. Calling it a diner is really misleading, because its much more like an authentic Jewish deli than a diner. But i digress. I got pastrami & cornedbeef with coleslaw & Thousand Island dressing on rye, with a kosher pickle & potato salad on the side. It was amazingly tasty. We've been before, and every time the food is spectacular.
Not much going on this afternoon. David is currently napping (thank \$DEITY), Denise & her mother went to
webcam by added a refresh. So now it automagically reloads every 61 seconds, for all of your out there who actually like to watch me at work.
I'm going to be driving Denise's parents to the airport tonight. Tomorrow will prolly be random assorted chores.