13:25 Sunday, November 11 2004

king arthur

Last night we watched King Arthur. Denise hated it, but i thought it was ok. It did have a ton of plot holes, and generally took forever for any plot formulation to occur, but i thought it was an interesting bit of revisionist history.
It was very windy last night, and the coldest night thus far (went down to 36F). The wind has since died down, but its still kinda chilly indoors. We went to Whole Foods earlier today to get some special sausage for the Thanksgiving stuffing. Denise is making BBQ ribs for dinner, which should be very yummy.
There's an interesting piece in the NYT today that adds a bit more meat to the bones of The Incredibles. The basic premise is that as a society, we go through alot of effort to make sure that no one is left behind, no one feels inferior to anyone else, but in so doing we stifle those we have the talent to truly excel. Dubya's 'No Child Left Behind' program underscores this entire issue further. Instead of fixating on the mental rejects who get left behind, how about focusing on the gems who are very capable of getting ahead? Life is rough, it hurts. Forcing everyone to be equally mediocre isn't going to help anyone cope once they get into the 'real world'. feh.