22:03 Sunday, May 05 2003

it could be worse

So far the weekend is going ok. All of the great plans that i had to go somewhere exciting unfortunately fell through due to uncooperative weather, and bad timing, but it could hav been much worse.
I did get both M1 & M2 downloaded, and i just finished watching M1. It was good, although oddly not nearly as good as i had remmebered. I did pick up on alot of things that make more sense in M2.
Anyway, its been unseasonably cool & cloudy since Friday evening. So yesterday i didn't do much other than catch up on some projects from work, and take David for a walk. Oh, and we watched 28 Days Later. In short it really really sucked. The entire premise is that this virus is spread via human bodily fluids, and makes people go raving mad and become savages, and then obliterates 90% of the world's population. But there were plot holes everywhere, and it just got dumber & dumber.
Chris finished the SourceForge upgrade after nearly 31 hours of non-stop work. I squashed a few bugs today, and finished all of the remaining speed testing from home.
We went to IKEA, and looked for an entertainment center, but we couldn't agree on one that we likred, so we didn't get anything. We did get some nice pix of David playing on some odd furniture. I'll post them tomorrow.
THe weather is supposed to be much warmer tomorrow, so perhaps we'll all go swimming then. Plus Denise is making BBQ ribs for dinner, which should be yummy.