14:16 Wednesday, May 05 2003

feast or famine

Yesterday was sheer madness at work. Seems that everyone saved up all of their problems from the previous week, and dumped them loose yesterday. On top of that, Chris is out on vacation all week long, so I we were short staffed, and working like mad to stem the tide. And of course there's the ongoing stream of post-upgrade issues to field.
On top of that its heating up again, after a few cooler days over the weekend. It hit 98 yesterday, and will most likely be near that today. I ended up having to go down to the office to inquire what the plan was for fixing the AC, and they offered us 4 less than appearling options:
1) Move into a different appt
2) Reduce the size of the vents in the living room, which would, in theory, increase air flow in the bedrooms. Of course that won't work, because i've already tried closing the vents in the living room (ya can't get any more reduced than zero), and that still did not increase airflow at all. This further proves that there is some kind of obsctruction in the ducts, but i digress.
3) Let the contruction workers tear open the ceiling above the door & laundry closet to fix the problem. This would take 5 days of work.
4) Break our lease, and vacate.
I kinda like the first option, except for the painful hassle involved with having to move all our stuff, change address, and get the phone/DSL moved again. As already mentioned, #2 is stupid, and won't work. #4 is basically the same as #1, except that we'd have to go appt hunting all over again, we had enough trouble agreeing on the place we're in now, and the moving thing would suck worse. #3 is what i'm leaning towards at this point, only because the others aren't that appearling. Denise really wold like either of the moving options, primarily because she doesn't trust them to fix it within 5 days, plus the huge inconvenience & hassle of being disrupted for 5 days.
We watched Adaptation on Monday night. It was odd, and really boring at times. The last half hour was a bit better, but overall it wasn't all that good. The plot focuses around a screenwriter with a personailty disorder, and his attempts to write a screenplay about Orchids. There's more to it, but that's the gist of it.