13:40 Saturday, June 06 2003

ho hum saturday

Its still quite warm, although its not supposed to hit 100F again. Oddly, David let me sleep in today, so I ended up waking him for a bottle at 7:30AM.
We went to Trader Joe's to get milk (cause its significantly cheaper there than in more mainstream supermarkets such as Safeway) for David. I also ended up getting a jar of kosher pickles, and Denise got a tub of chocolate brownie bites.
I finally convinced Denise to help me give David a haircut, which didn't turn out too badly at all. At least he doesn't have massic crazy curly hair in the back any longer. Speaking of which, I uploaded another batch of pictures (this was before the haircut though).
David was a disaster at lunch, cause he was in desperate need of a nap. I ended up getting him to eat his tuna & applesauce (not mixed together), with some assistance from Denise. He's napping now (finally!), so I have some peace & quiet, and a chance to regain my sanity.