16:34 Thursday, December 12 2004

help, i'm drowning

This week has turned into massive carnage. Monday was mildly painful, but since Tuesday its been completely and utter chaos every day at work. On top of that, i'm so exhausted lately. I think i really haven't gotten enough sleep in a very long time, and its catching up with me. I can't think straight lately, or I forget what i was thinking of seconds afterwards.
Its been much colder lately, so i guess winter has semi-officially arrived. Its been in the 30F's at night.
I think i've figured out what's going on with my webcam on the old clunky laptop. It seems like it goes into its coma as the sun as rising, so it might be the camera trying to protect the photo-sensitive circuitry from the direct sunlight. At any rate, I've setup a tiny cronjob that unloads and then reloads all the webcam and USB assorted modules around the same time as sunrise. It seems to have worked ok today.