19:33 Friday, July 07 2008


Yet another nasty Fedora9 bug struck today. I ran "yum -y update" on David's computer earlier this afternoon. Before dinner, he shut it down, and about an hour ago, he attempted to boot it again, and it hung at an ominous "GRUB " prompt. Immediately he came looking for me commenting that "there's something wrong with my computer". I'm expecting something trivial like the audio isn't loud enough or the icons look different or something along those lines. But no, its the GRUB prompt.
After Googling a bit, I stumbled across this gem of a thread where there's apparently some craptastic new Fedora9 update bug which breaks GRUB. I dug out the Fedora install DVD, booted off of it into rescue mode, and ran:
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)
and then hit reset. It booted fine. If all the other alternatives weren't so crappy, I'd seriously start considering dumping Fedora altogether.