17:51 Friday, June 06 2003


Finally. This week started with a whimper, and went out with a bang. Today was non-stop chaos from the moment i got to work at 5:45AM. All sorts of nasty customer bugs kept me occupied for the first 4 hours. Then I had a bit of free time, so I burnt another SourceForge-on-a-CD, and gave it a whirl. Good news is that everything but Apache now starts up. Bad news is that stupid apache needs to be able to write to /sourceforge/apache/log in addition to /sourceforge/log/apache. So, another minor tweak to the image. I'm really really close now, i can feel it.
Then DeWayne came wondering over, mid morning, and handed me a project to build an Oracle & SF server for Sun by Wednesday. After perusing the available hardware, i decided on two 1221s, which ended up needing some tinkering on the hardware front to get working. That ended up occupying the entire afternoon up until i headed home just before 3pm.
I did have a really spiffy lunch. THey had a goodbye lunch for James Byers (last day today) at 'Pho World'. I've never had Vietnamese food before, much less, Pho. It was pretty good. Pho is basically soup that is an entire meal. No, not like Campbells. I got a spring roll, which is nothing like the Chinese food spring rolls. The Vietnamese version is mostly lettice, with chicken & shrimp, wrapped in a bean curd rollup that is so thin, its translucent. It came with a small dish of really tasty peanut sauce. I got Beef noodle pho. Its basically clear white long noodles, some greens, some thin slices of beef, and a spicy broth. There was also hot sauce & garlic sauce on the table to season it. The bowl was massive. I'd say it was easily a liter large.
So, since getting home i've been doing two loads of laundry (about 2/3 of the way done now), went to the supermarket with David, and ate dinner. I'm exhausted. Time to play with david & give him dinner.