18:22 Tuesday, August 08 2005


Work today was, well, semi-frustrating. It wasn't really the job, as much as the unbelievably stupid customers. I had one bug which has now turned out to be 100% inaccurate as originally reported. Then I have this other new bug, from this customer in Taiwan that doesn't have two Linux clues to rub together, and they have reported variations on the same non-bug 4 times already (counting the latest just a few hours ago). Customers suck.
Found out today that Denise's parents are going to be here for 11 days at the end of September. It will likely suck, because her parents don't like to do much of anything, have horrifically poor taste in food, and generally want to be entertained all the while not wanting to leave the house. It will be even more painful for Denise, because she's going to be stuck with them all day long. *sigh*