18:12 Tuesday, May 05 2005


Yesterday was a pretty good day. I didn't have to touch windoze, and I started to catch up on all the Linux/Solaris work that i was too bogged down in windoze-lang the previous week, to get to. Last night, I went to dinner with the Linux/Solaris engr team, and we made fried chicken, biscuits, corn on the cob, salad and had a huge chocolate cake for dessert.
Today started off poorly, got better, and then got worse. David woke up at 5:30AM crying for no particular reason. I changed his diaper and put him back to bed, but the damage was done, and neither he nor I fell back to sleep. So I went into a work a bit early (got in at 7:30AM). My morning actually went really well. I was very productive, and I was actually looking forward to the afternoon, figuring that I'd get even more accomplished. But as my luck would have it, that never happened. A coworker was drowning in work, and pawned some of it off on me. I actually plowed through that fairly quickly, but then got sucked into setting up a box for engr, which turned into a black hole of time. I couldn't get it to work right, and ended up fighting with it off & on for the remainder of the afternoon. Then an hour before I was hoping to go home, I get hit with yet another project. While working like a mad man to get that done, the power went out in my cube for 10 minutes. By the time it came back on, i was racing like mad to get several things done at once, and I just gave up for the day at 5:15PM. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out better.