12:39 Tuesday, September 09 2008

F9 I loathe thee

Fedora9 strikes again. This morning, Doug asked me whether my blog was down. Not that I was aware, was my response, but after a bit of digging, it was no longer reachable on the internets. At first, I thought that my ISP had possibly decided to block port 443, but after hitting my head against the wall for a while, it looked like everything but port 22 was blocked, which made no sense whatsoever. Surely they weren't going to just allow ssh traffic through and nothing else for whatever trivial number of their customers care about ssh. After some educational netcat experiments, I figured out that somehow, I was firewalling everything but port 22. It appears that after a series of security updates yesterday morning, Fedora decided that my current iptables rules were insufficient, and it discarded all of them, and replaced them with rules that only allowed traffic through port 22. I quickly fixed the content of /etc/sysconfig/iptables, restarted the iptables service, and everything was accessible again. W T F Fedora9 ? Why would you do this? *sigh*