16:02 Saturday, May 05 2004



Amazingly I slept really well last night. David didn't wake up until after 7AM, so i actually woke up on my own.
David & I went to the beach today. We had a pretty good time. We got there a little before 10AM, and it was still foggy, and somewhat windy. First we just walked around a bit to get a feel for the surroundings. Then we went back to the car and I hauled two book bags plus david's bag of beach toys. I put down a large towel, and we got settled in. At first David was really uncomfortable with touching the sand at all. But as the day progressed, he got more comfortable. By the late morning he was burying himself in sand, and having a lot of fun. The sun also came out later in the morning so it was really nice weather. I just uploaded a bunch of

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