07:55 Saturday, December 12 2004


So i received a jury duty summons for monday a few weeks back. Last night I dutifully called the phone number to listen to the recording to check my fate. And stupid, lame, alameda county can't even give me a straight answer. Instead, i've been 'cleared' from having to appear at 9AM on monday, but i still must call again on monday at 11AM to see if they need me to appear by 2PM the same day. That is so incredibly lame. I'd much rather that they dragged me in at 9am, and made a full day of it, than just keeping me in limbo for half the day, and thoroughly disrupting my life. So i'll go into work, and then potentially have to drive home at 11am, and take BART up to the courthouse in oakland. sux.
Its getting rather chilly again at night here. We had some somewhat unseasonable warmth for the past 2 weeks, but as i type this its currently 33F outside.
Over the past 4 nights we watched all seven episodes of Long Way Round. Overall I liked it, although i suspect denise liked it alot more than i did. I was hoping for a bit more scenery, and a bit less buddy moments.