20:26 Sunday, August 08 2004

and now i'm caught up

We didn't do much yesterday. Amazingly, David let me sleep in until 7:30PM, which I desperately needed, since I woke up on Friday morning at 3AM, and couldn't fall back to sleep. The complex we live in hosted a lunch BBQ yesterday, which was decent. Denise made ribs for dinner which was quite tasty (plus there are leftovers!). Last night a customer emailed in with a bizarre cvs/ldap problem that steam-rolled into a first class disaster. This morning at 8:30AM I got a call from their sales rep asking me to 'escalated' the issue, and I promptly asked him where he wanted it escalated, and his response was to someone in my group. So unsurprisingly, he was completely unaware of the work I had been doing. I spent much of the next 3 hours performing virtual CPR on their server, and got them back up, but it was touch & go for a while there. The rest of today wasn't terribly eventful (thankfully).
I'm not sure what kind of vibe to get from the upcoming week. I'm hoping that it will be pain free, and I can't say that I expect anything bad, but who knows.