12:59 Friday, January 01 2004

zen & frustration

Denise got me a really unique and sweet gift for Chanukah, a mini-Bonsai kit. I finally got a chance to plant it today. Basically the kit has four pine seeds, a small pot, a soil pellet, instruction booklet, and tiny scissors (for pruning the bonsai). I had to soak the seeds in water for a week, which completed last night. So today I planted the seeds in the soil pellet. The instructions say that I should put it in varying degrees of sunlight, but I really would like to have it on my desk at work (where there is zero sunlight, direct or otherwise), so who knows how well it will grow.
I just found out that the esteemed engineering dept at work is getting taken on an all expenses paid ski trip this weekend. This is the same Engr dept that is now running a full year late on the product that they were tasked with building. I've had a few debates with various members of the dept, and they make up excuses for the delay, such as the fact that it was announced that it would be running late. Apparently admitting that you're running late means that you're no longer late, because that pushes out the release date in some official way. I still think its an excuse, and they're late. I can understand being a few days, or maybe even a few weeks (where weeks is less than 4) late, but when you're a year late, no excuses or announcements are going to change the fact that its late. But, alas, there are apparently no negative consequences. They get rewarded with ski trips. What's my reward for doing my job, and never being late? NOTHING. Just more work. Oh, but i did get a pen this year. So I get a \$2 pen, and they get a \$200/person trip. grrrrr
So the weekend is upon me. No real plans, unfortunately. Denise's work schedule makes it near impossible to do much, because she gets home late on Friday night, and works all day Sunday. Chris is tentatively supposed to come up to visit on Sunday, which would be nice. Of course, he's been scheduled to visit in the past, and never made it. feh