18:11 Friday, August 08 2003

yo yo day

Today was somewhat surreal. My luck practically changed by the minute. I guess I should start with last night. Stupid server that wouldn't see the network turned out to be something that I broken a while ago, but didn't rear its head until yesterday. It was a relatively trivial solution of restoring the network_setup.sh script that I wrote to make UML networking come up in a spiffy fashion.
So now onto today. Overall, I guess work wasn't too bad. In fact, it was the lack of genuine work that got me into trouble. I had attempted yesterday to start upgading glibc to 2.2.x on one of my two workstations (I upgraded the other to glibc-2.3.2 last month without much of a problem). This box had been running a nearly stock Redhat-6.2, so this was not a trivial upgrade by any means. Unfortunately, it did not go well. The actual compilation of glibc went smoothly, but the install kept failing when it tried to build a test program. I thought I found a solution, but unfortunately, the solution didn't solve anything, so I tried a hack. The hack only made things worse to the point where mozilla dumped core whenever I tried to start it. So I tried more hacks, which ended up wrecking all of binutils, and rendering the box 85% broken from an OS load perspective. Thankfully, I still had minimal functionality, and was able to back up my \$HOME. I installed a larger 9GB HD (since I had a 4GB that was hovering at 1.4GB free for the longest time), and loaded RH9-XFS. I started setting it up (tweaking settings, loading software etc) before leaving work for the day.
When I wasn't putzing with my box, I was started my first 2.6.0-test2 kernel build. I played briefy with 2.5.59, but that was a few days of futile exploration before returning to the safety of 2.4.x. I got most of the way through configuring it, and then get buried in the new world of ALSA.
When I wasn't working on that stuff I was muddling through a variety of stupid customer issues, including trying to dial into one of their servers to fix their horked Oracle indexes.
The drive home wasn't much fun. Standard crazy friday bay area traffic. So then I went for gas & groceries, which took over an hour for what should have been maybe 40 minutes of activity. Once again, crazy friday traffic killed me.