08:56 Saturday, July 07 2003

where did the week go

What started off as a nice quiet week just turned into a huge mess. Work was unpleasant to put it mildly. Employee incompetance caused some fairly severe problems with a customer, and then other customers had blowups of their own, that required attention.
Anual performance reviews are just around the corner, so I have to write up a self-appraisal before August 4. These always seem so utterly pointless. I would think that if my management (or any management, for that matter) was actually effectively doing their job, they wouldn't need me to summarize my accomplishments for the past year, because they'd be well aware of what I had (or had not) done. I'm sure that there are those who will claim that the real purpose is to gage how the employee thinks they performed, but that too seems disingenuous, because I still shouldn't need to fill out a Word doc to explain how I think I did. How's about sitting down, one-on-one, manager & employee and discussing things for an hour? Oh well.
David got a balloon at the supermarket yesterday. This one employee just thought he was the cutest baby ever, and gave him a balloon. He went crazy with it once we got home. I've just uploaded the pictures.