17:52 Wednesday, October 10 2007

when it rains, it pours

I don't know if it was the change of weather, or what, but today was nothing but problems, frustration and angst. A storm passed through overnight, and we got only the 2nd rainfall in the past 5 months. With it came so many problems:
* I get into work to find my workstation hung. Upon rebooting my entire firefox profile is wiped out
* DSL at home died at around 6:55AM for no apparent reason. After talking Denise through rebooting the border router/firewall, it was working again
* The grand prize winner for the day was a massive firefight at work. Due to others outside of my group being generally incompetant, we spent the better part of the day doing hardware qualification tasks. This including testing assorted SBIOS versions in a fruitless attempt at finding one that would allow the system to POST & boot properly. I ended up having to resort to a serial console, along with a USB NIC to make the system remotely accessible, and its still sucking badly.
* I think i'm coming down with the cold that has been haunting David & Denise off and on for the past 2+ weeks. Actually, I had a very mild version of it a few weeks ago. For them, the second round has been much more severe than the first. I'm hoping mine doesn't follow that trend too. The worst of it is random coughing fits.