20:46 Tuesday, March 03 2007

we don need no steenkin logs!

cygwin/windows strikes again. I've setup some automated builds/tests on a WinXP box at work, and one of them has been failing mysteriously. Now I've had the output from them getting redirected into a log, but oddly the logs are always the same size, and never have the full output. I ended up running the build/test manually, and it was taking longer than expected to complete, so I went to tail the log, and discovered that there was no log. I'm sitting there scratching my head wondering how there can be no log when this thing has been chugging away for over an hour, when suddenly a log that is nearly 200KB long appears, and its truncated! My best guess is that cygwin/windows is buffering all this output _somewhere_ and then when that buffer fills up it dumps it to disk, or perhaps when the buffer overflows it gets dumped to disk. I can't quite figure out wtf is going on, but its obvious that a redirect in cygwin/windows land doesn't quite work the same as a redirect in a normal Unix shell environment. argh.