08:08 Sunday, September 09 2004

way more sleep than i thought

Yesterday morning I had to get up at 6:30AM to take the Passat in for its 40k mile service at the dealer. I had agreed to take David with me, primarily because i didn't think it would take much more than an hour or 2, and Denise needed to catch up on sleep. As my luck turned out, it took nearly 3 hours. Apparently the extra hour was needed to do a radiator flush. Overall, David was very good & patient. We spent alot of time wandering around the new cars, and David also played with some blocks that they had in the waiting area. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get him to 'read' the newspaper that I had brought along, so I was mostly following him around for much of the time. So three hours and \$681 later, we were done. We got home to find Denise still asleep which was somewhat surprising, but not terribly, since I just figured she needed the rest. She ended up waking up a few minutes after we got back though.
Out of no where I suddenly got very exhausted. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. It was great though. I slept really well, and when Denise woke me (like i asked) at 3pm, i was completely reinvigorated.
Last night we watched the Simpsons episode where Troy marries Selma. That has got to be one of the top 5 episodes ever. I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z, they'll never make a monkey out of me! After that we watched the first episode of Farscape. Denise hated it, but i'm not surprised at all by that. I'm more surprised that she was willing to watch it at all, since its most definitely not her kind of entertainmen. I'm not reallly sure what I thought of it. I'll need to watch at least another episode before I can decide what I think of it.
This morning I slept until 7AM, which ordinarily would be decent, but not great, but i feel completely rested. I think my nap yesterday made all the difference. David is still sleeping as I type this, which is a bit odd for him. I don't have much planned for today, as Denise works this afternoon.