17:05 Sunday, November 11 2005

water and oil

What a day. I took David to the park this morning, and while walking back home afterwards, he was super impressed by this flock of birds flying above. He was so distracted, that he walked right towards the big water fountain, tripped over the small barrier, and fell right into the 6 inches of water. It all happened so fast, that I never got a chance to stop him, even though I was about 3 feet away the entire time. So I pulled him out, but the damage was done, and he was soaked from head to toe, and understandbly freaking out. I quickly pulled off his shirt, and gave him mine so that he at least had a dry, warm shirt on. I then picked him up, and ran home with him. He was actually surprisingly calm for much of walk home, other than shivering from being cold. As soon as I got him home, we stripped him, dried him off, and he was fine. I feel really badly even though I don't think there was anything that I could have done to prevent it.
Tonight for dinner I made chinese eggplant in garlic sauce. I got the basic recipe from here. It turned out really well, and after some initial problems with the temperature of the food being too hot, David liked it too.