07:28 Saturday, July 07 2004

ups and downs

What a week its been. DNS was borken for the domain for much of the week, which is why i hadn't posted in a while.
Monday & Tuesday were sheer madness at work. We did 75% of our total week's support volume in those 2 days. Then things were quiet and relatively peaceful for the remainder of the week, until yesterday. Yesterday was the last day of both the fiscal quarter and fiscal year. That means that all customer revenue that came in that day had to be processed that day. So at 4:30pm, i start getting download requests from the order dept that must be completed before 5pm. I'm thinking, crap, this should be fun. Then at 4:35pm, a customer has a disk failure, and a large number of files are nullified. Then at 4:45pm, the director of the technical sales staff calls me in utter desperation because a customer, who we've told in the past must find a DBA for their oracle database because we don't support the database, is refusing to release the revenue for the quarter until we fix a database problem. On top of that, David is snarfy, and getting into trouble at every turn. So i'm trying to juggle all of this mess. David, the orders, and the crashed customer turned out to be the easy part. The oracle mess ended up consuming the next 7 hours of my night, as the box needed serious tuning and babysitting.
Last night I watched The Bourne Supremacy. Overall it was good, but i thought the first was better, since alot of the themes were a rehash.
David slept poorly last night, but that ended up working out in my favor, since he slept in until after 8AM.