22:48 Sunday, May 05 2008

ubuntu: finding new ways to suck more

In my ongoing quest to find new & exciting ways that Ubuntu sucks, I found yet another way today. The craptastic kernel that ships with Ubuntu-7.04 (and maybe 7.10 & 8.04 too, I haven't confirmed yet) has some horrific ACPI/PCI bus topology parsing bug where it doesn't see devices that hang off the 2nd PCI bus controller on multi-AMD CPU based motherboards that only have a single CPU. To put this more plainly, if you've got an AMD mobo that has more than 1 CPU socket, yet you've only got 1 CPU in it, and you put a graphics card in the PCI-E slot that isn't hanging off the PCI controller associated with the 1st CPU, your graphics card will not appear on the PCI bus (in lspci, etc). At this point, it looks like booting with acpi=off potentially works around this, but then I lose all ACPI support, and who knows what new problems that triggers. RHEL4 and RHEL5 definitely are not afflicted by this horkage.
EDIT: Ubuntu-7.10, SUSE-10.2, 10.3 & SLED10-SP1 are afflicted as well.