17:31 Saturday, November 11 2005


I was reading the current month's issue of National Geographic, specifically the article about the secrets to living a long life (a separate rant is the somewhat recent trend of sociology, science, medicine & politics articles which are really poorly done, and is a clear sign that they should stick with their roots, nature, geography, and more nature, but I digress) and it occurred to me that my grandmother would have turned 100 last week. Unfortunately, she died just over 9 years ago, and there are times when i still miss her.
I was reading the blog of one of my college roommates, and came across a photo of Troy that broad back a flood of memories. Its weird how I hated that town so damn much during the 4 years I lived there, yet now I want to go back to visit just to relive the memories. And of course the irony is that I now live so far away that the chances of me getting to visit are close to nil without a specially planned trip. That will just about never happen, cause I can't justify planning a trip to Troy, that would be just plain lunacy. Heh, i remember graduation day and how happy I was to be driving away from Troy. Funny what nostalgia will do.