17:12 Friday, September 09 2004

the week that was

This past week was mysteriously ok. There were some sub-stellar moments,but overall it was one of the better weeks that i've had in a long time. I'll leave it as an excercise to the reader to guess why.
In other news, we got our appt lease renewal letter yesterday. Denise was fretting alot that we were going to get screwed badly, but i was really not even thinking about it, mostly cause there wasn't anything i could do about the results until we got them. As it turned out, they're raising our rent by \$50/month, however, that is actually not a bad thing overall. So we'll renew, and spend another year here.
Tonight starts Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. I'll observe the ritual this year, and fast for the 24 hour period starting at sunset tonight. Normally I don't, simply because i don't have the luxery of taking a day off from work, and there's no way that I could function at work without eating all day. But since tomorrow is saturday, i think I can manage to skip eating.