14:21 Saturday, September 09 2003

the week that time forgets

Another week another dollar. The upgrade to SF-3.4 went fairly smoothly yesterday. The actual work took about 6 hours, but the QA required an additional 3 hours afterwards, so we didn't finish until 3pm. Yesterday was Chris's last day. He is going to be sorely missed. The last few months certainly weren't his best at VA, but it was still great having him there. Derek starts monday, Doug starts on the 29th. All hell will surely break lose.
I went hiking this morning with Chris up Mission Peal. Pictures are uploaded already in the usual place. David did ok, although we did have to carry for him for much of it, as it was very steep, dry gravel in alot of places. As we were coming back down the mountain, a park ranger drove past and informed us that the park had been closed due to fire danger. We didn't see any signs of fire, but it was very very dry, so I'm not surprised.
I took the car for a carwash for the first time today. It desperately needed it, as it was really digustingly dirty.