08:15 Friday, December 12 2004

the end is near?

Last night I watched about a third of ROTK and Euro Trip. Euro Trip was mildly amusing fluff.
I actually slept relatively well last night. I'm not sure if it was just frojm exhaustion or if my cold is starting to abate. I'm mostly stuffy today, but not runny, so that might be an improvement.
Sometimes David does the cutest things. Last night while i was making dinner (which was thai peanut chicken sausage with white rice & onions, yummy) I hear David saying 'kitty food' over and over, and then i hear the closet where we keep the food being opened. I wandered over to see what was going on, and he's holding the cat's food bowl and attempting to fill it with food. Seems that he noticed that one of the 2 bowls was mostly empty, so he decided it was time to refill it.