16:58 Monday, April 04 2009

the curious case of benjamin button

Last night, we watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. For anyone who hasn't heard the hype, the basic premise here is this guy who is born an octogenarian, and ages in reverse until he dies as an infant. The premise sounds intriguing, however the execution was horrible. There was no conceivable reason why this film needed to be nearly 3 hours long. They could have easily cut its length in half, and still it would have been long & boring. If it wasn't for the reverse aging gimmick, there's be absolutely no reason to make the film. The story is an utterly boring account of the namesake's life. There's just about nothing that he did in his life that took advantage of his unique reverse aging. To make matters worse, the little plot that there was, was glacial in its development. To add insult to injury, this was one of the worst efforts that Brad Pitt has contributed in a very long time. He had the emotional range of a hamster. Other than adding a southern drawl to his speach, the entire thing was little more than a monotone. It boggles my mind why this film got so much hype.