17:35 Sunday, April 04 2005


While i should have slept relatively well last night, I was really warm all night long, and I had alot of bizarre semi-bad dreams. I can't remember any of them very clearly right now, although i had a few more about the job that i quit just 2 days ago. So this morning I woke up at about 7:30AM, and david was amazingly still asleep. I've got a nasty cold sore on my lower lip today, which sucks.
We drove down to Gilroy today, and went to the outlet mall. I got 3 shirts at Eddie Bauer, and 1 new pair of jean shorts from Levi Straus. We stopped at Casa de Fruta on the way home. I was hoping that they'd have relatively cheap produce, but instead it turned out to be a pathetic tourist trap. The produce was actually more expensive than in a supermarket, and there really wasn't much else that was notable, although David was fixated on all things train related.
So tomorrow I start the new job. I have high hopes, and i also hope i'm not disapointed. I guess one thing that is good is everyone that i've told about going there has had good things to say.