19:16 Thursday, October 10 2007

sometimes I hate hardware

This has been week for the books. I've had more hardware fail this week than in any other week in the past year. First, I had a power supply die over the past weekend. Then I had another start smoking on Monday afternoon. Then a motherboard died in a 3rd system on Monday afternoon. The last one was the true killer. That system was the primary fileserver for the Unix graphics group. The reason that I'm still involved with that box is twofold. First, it hosts the Redhat kickstart files, which I maintain. Secondly, I use it for a bunch of file storage. The problem here was that the files on this system were not being backed up anywhere. And to make matters worse, there wasn't even a RAID setup, so if a disk failed, everything would be lost. My solution was to rebuild the entire system from scratch. This took the better part of a day.