17:26 Sunday, January 01 2004

so little time

I've frittered another weekend away. Well, not exactly, but i found way too many things to do in the time allotted. Work was miserable on Friday. Very high workload, coupled with some complex customer problems.
We ran alot of errands on saturday (all grocery shopping). We went to two local supermarkets, then Grocery Outlet, and then Sam's Club. All in all, it was an exhausting day, but productive.
We/I've been letting David stay up later for the past 2 days. My theory is that if he stays up later, he'll sleep later in the morning. Thus far my theory isn't proving itself accurate. David woke up at 7AM on Saturday morning, and 5:30(!!)AM this morning. In his defense, he did somehow manage to pull down his diaper during the night, which meant that he went himself, and ended up very cold & wet.
Today I actually got quite alot of small things done. I watched both Paycheck and Big Fish. Paycheck was a painful perversion of a really good Phlip K. Dick short story. The more I see Ben Affleck try to act, the more i'm convinced that he's a blathering moron who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. He plays the same character in every movie, even though he has appeared in a fairly wide assortment of films. Actually, now that I think about it some more, I think the quality of his acting used to be fairly decent, and has just slowly gotten worse over time. Perhaps his substance abuse problems have ruined his talent.
On the complete other end of the spectrum, Big Fish was really good. It was a cross between a Forest Gump type tale, and a fairy tail (perhaps like The Princess Bride). It was very different, and entertaining.
As for my other tasks today, I spent nearly 3 hours banging my head against the wall working on a customer problem. I'm convinced that their database is horked, but I can't figure out how. They just keep ending up with hung oracle processes when trying to view a specific webpage.
Other things today. Hrmm, I roasted a chicken with stuffing for dinner. I'm trying to figure out CSS driven color rollovers but for some reason its not working. I also uploaded a new batch of pictures.