07:40 Saturday, August 08 2003

random thoughts

I saw The Pianist last night. It was pretty good, although a tad on the long side (nearly 2.5 hours). I wish it had more music in it, or specifically, piano music, but other than that, it was good. I don't know that I consider it to be worthy of the Oscars that it won, but that's just me.
For some odd reason, I decided to do some reading this morning on PostgreSQL tuning. I haven't found terribly much, but I did find one gem, in disabling fsync. In my testing so far, the overall performance is about 25% better.
When I was at Linuxworld earlier in the week, I picked up an O'Reilly catalog. I'm a bit surprised that they have so many books in print. I knew that they had a lot, but apparently there are a ton of more obscure topics that rarely appear on store shelves like "Flash Remoting MX".
I don't have much in the way of exciting plans this weekend, as Denise has to work both tonight & tomorrow night (and also had to work last night). Her schedule sux because she's going to be off next weekend, as her sister & brother-in-law are coming out from Pennsylvania to visit for several days. Then her parents are coming out the following weekend for 9 days. We've got all sorts of touristy plans, but I'm getting ahead of myself, so I'll save those for another time.