08:37 Saturday, May 05 2005


Last month we payed off the last of our loans. This was a fair significant accomplishment, since we've had assorted college & car loans since college (7+ years). So now I'm able to funnel just about all extra income into savings.
This past week was overall pretty good, although yesterday afternoon kinda sucked. Just after 2pm, this guy asked me to come to his lab to pick up a system to reproduce a bug. That was fine. I get there, and he tells me that he already reproduced it, and then proceeds to suck up the next 2 hours forcing me to stand around watching him try to debug the bug. No part of my job description requires me to watch anyone debug something. I actually commented at one point that I had other work to do, and needed to get back to my desk, which he completely ignored. Finally at 4PM and I told him, I had to go, i had other work to do. He seemed genuinely disapointed. Whatever.
This morning, I took Denise & David to SFO to fly to Pittsburgh for the remainder of the month. In a way its nice to have some quiet time to do what I want when I want, but at the same time, I miss them already.