20:47 Sunday, August 08 2004

ok ending

Today was an ok ending to a largely boring weekend. Denise had to work today, so David and I spent the day together. I took him for a walk to the park this morning, and he played on the jungle gym for a bit. He's really gotten into books in a big way over the past couple weeks. Now he wants us to read him stories all the time, rather than him just tearing books apart.
I watched Napoleon Dynamite earlier this afternoon. It was bizarre & quirky. I'm not sure that I liked it that much though. It just seemed to try to do too many things, without doing any of them well.
For dinner tonight I made white rice, onions, green peppers, and chicken, with taco seasoning & fresh lime juice, with shredded cheese. It was quite tasty, and David seemed to like it alot too. I've got enough leftover for lunch some day this week.
After David went to bed I watched the last episode of Firefly. Its a pity this got canceled because I feel that it definitely had alot of promise, and is far more interesting than Joss Whedon's last attempt at a drama (Angel).