13:39 Saturday, November 11 2008


Last night at 11:45PM, we're awakened to the sound of a car alarm going off. Then after a few seconds, yet another car alarm goes off. At this point, Denise got up to see what the hell was going on outside. Then I heard her screaming, that it was *my* car alarm that was going off. She went outside to shut it off and see what was going on. This is where the story gets weird. The people who live directly across the street have been gone for months. We were starting to think that maybe they died or something since we hadn't seen them for so long. Apparently last night they returned from an 'extended' vacation to find this mysterious van parked in their driveway. They freaked out thinking that someone had broken into their home, and called the police. The police then traced the plates to someone who lived just down the block. That guy apparently decided that it was perfectly ok to use someone else's driveway if they weren't using it. Somehow the car alarm on the van got set off, which then somehow set of the alarm on my car.