19:18 Saturday, January 01 2005

no rest for the wicked

I'm starting to think that my toe might be infected, since its now looking a bit red and puffy along the outside edge of the nail. I'm debating whether or not soaking it will do any good.
This afternoon, i tried to take a nap, but instead a stupid customer called me about 15 minutes into me dozing off to sleep, and i was up for the next 45 minutes. I ended up going back to bed, and i sorta fell asleep, but i don't think that i slept terribly well. Of course when Denise came to wake me up then i fell back to sleep.
A few days ago, the code that i was using to grab the outside temperature for my webcam stopped working. Seems that the layout of the website where the temperature was getting obtained changed. I emailed the author of the original code, and he was aware of the problem, but didn't know when he'd have time to fix it. So I went to freshmeat and found Geo-Weather. After some minor tweaking to my script, its all working again. For the curious, here's the code that creates the stamp in the snapshot:
###### #!/bin/bash BLAH="echo -n `date`" echo -n "`$BLAH` -" perl /root/stuff/getWeather.pl ######
All that getWeather.pl does is grab the temperature and spit it out using Geo-Weather.