20:25 Tuesday, April 04 2007

my brain is weird

Apparently watching TV is good for me. Last night, I was watching TV, and for no apparent reason, it suddenly occurred to me that there was a bug in the build/test farm automation script that I had been working on earlier in the day. I had gotten all the Redhat based distros running a few weeks ago, and had just started working on adding SUSE. SuSE differs from Redhat in just enough ways (autoyast vs. kickstart, etc) to make automating it almost a completely new script from the Redhat parts. Anyway, last night it occurred to me that my script was foolishly assuming that whenever I'd be processing a system to run SUSE on the next run, it would already be running SUSE. Obviously that wouldn't be true, I wouldn't ever know for sure what a system would be running. I fixed that bug today (the code hadn't actually been deployed yet, as it still needed to be tested), and after testing, its working perfectly. So apparently watching TV helps me to unconsciously think about code.