17:21 Friday, June 06 2006

moderately miserable

This week just wasn't much fun. On top of the ridiculous ticket, work was just non-stop madness. This morning actually started off reasonably calm, but right around lunchtime all hell broke loose, and it remained that way for the rest of the day. Additionally, the Passat has been misbehaving again. The major squeaking noise seems to be fixed, but when I got gas on Wednesday, the gas door wouldn't close/lock. After jiggling the release button a few times, it locked but, this isn't a good sign for a car that isn't even 4 months old yet. There's also a subtle whistling sound coming from the right side of the car whenever I'm going above 60MPH.
At last the weekend has arrived, so I'll hopefully get 2 days of relative sanity, and stress relief. I suspect that next week might not be any better than this one.