16:09 Monday, October 10 2006


I've been fighting with Mandriva 2007 lately. You'd think that something as simple as PXE booting a Mandriva installation would be a relatively simple task by now, but no. For reasons that baffle me, trying to boot their kernrel & initrd combo from anything other than the official media always results in a kernel panic with a failure to find the RAM disk. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Redhat basically perfected the kickstart installation process, and everyone else is screwing it up.
In other news, there were 3 power outages at home during the day today. Somehow, one of them broke sound on one of the computers such that all the assorted files for sound under /dev were chowned to a single user. It took me a while to figure this out (after freaking out and assuming that the audio chip had gotten fried). The light bulb moment was when I discovered that root could play audio, even though my user couldn't.
We've also been enduring a bit of a late October heat wave lately. Its been getting into the 80F's every day since last Friday. I guess I can't complain, it could be cold & wet instead.