17:22 Wednesday, August 08 2005

life, etc

Yesterday I made stuffed cannollis for dinner. The filling was 1 quart of part-skim ricotta, a finely diced half onion & tomato, parsley, shredded mozarella, and some italian seasonings (basically finely ground oregano & pepper). I put the filling into a zip lock bag (after the pasta had been cooked), cut the corner off the bag, and squeezed the filling into the pasta. In a large pyrex baking dish, i put down a thin coating of pasta sauce, and starts to lay out the cannollis. I ended up with some extra filling, tomatoes & onions, so I spread them across the top, and baked in the oven at 450F for 35 minutes. It came out incredibly well. David loved it, and I was very impressed with how well it turned out too.
Work today wasn't too bad, although the workload is starting to pick up a bit from the relative lull of the past 2 weeks.
We're going to interview a new realtor on saturday afternoon. We've run out of patienfce with the current guy, who has been basically ignoring our preferences, and treating us like children (actually ordering us to "think long & hard" about why we're rejecting some properties).