18:28 Sunday, April 04 2004

kicking and screaming

David has been in a foul mood all day today. When he's not been getting into trouble, he's been screaming and crying. He refused to take a nap in the afternoon, so i'm sure that's also working against his sanity.
Yesterday morning I took the car for an oil change. Afterwards we took david to Barnes and Noble for a pancake breakfast that accompanied a reading of If You Give a Pig a Pancacke. David was mildly entertained.
I purchased the new computer for my birthday today. I got an amazing deal on a new 21" monitor and a pretty good deal on a computer. I'm really excited and looking forward to getting my first new computer in 5 years.
Denise decided that she's going to cash in her US savings bonds to buy me a new bed. The bed that i have right now was purchased for \$15 back when I was in college in 1997. I have no idea how old it was when I got it. While I really appreciate her offer, I still kinda wish she'd spend the money on herself.