17:29 Monday, May 05 2004

its alive!

I'm typing this on the new computer. I made the switchover this morning after moving over the modem and 36GB SCSI drive from the old computer. For the most part, everything is working ok. I've got a few minor annoying problems to sort out though:
* btdownloadcurses.py self-terminates when run directly in a screen session as soon as it tries to connect to the torrent. However, if I run a screen session for bash, and then run btdownloadcurses, it works fine.
* USB isn't quite right. I think i didn't build all the USB support I needed. Also the Philips Web Cam driver is missing in the 2.6.6 kernel, so there isn't much that I can do with USB anyway.
I had a brainstorm late last week when I noticed that assorted hotdogs were 50% off at Safeway. I combined that with the fact that I had made a lot of pinto beans a couple weeks back, and figured, maybe i'll make franks & beans for dinner. So David and I walked down to Safeway yesterday and picked up a package of Hebrew National Reduced Fat hotdogs. I didn't really have a recipe for the sauce, but I winged it. I put in a cup of water, an 8oz can of tomato sauce, and alot of Heinz ketchup and BBQ sauce. It turned out unbelievably well. I added some Gulden's mustard too after it was done to give it a bit more kick.
<!--<br /> I spent some more time thinking about Colin's problems, or rather my problems with him. Right now, i can categorize things into two discrete buckets of issues:<br /> 0) His rampant verbal and mental abuse of sales. Every time he attacks someone in sales, it ends up falling in my lap. Either I have to clean up after the mess he made, or sales just takes retribution on me, since they can't touch me. I've spoken with Colin about this, and he seems convinced that the ends justify the means (the man is a hardcore Machiavelian). He didn't seem to care much that his behavior was just making my life harder, because from his perspective, he was getting the results that he needed.<br /> 1) He has no faith in my ability to manage Support, and/or he doesn't trust me to make the right decisions. Colin is continually making decisions for Support and then dumping them on me to enforce. Other times he makes assumptions that I've not done something, and only after I have to expend considerable effort proving otherwise does he back down. A nice recent example is an email that I got from him on Saturday ordering me to setup a Clearcase server immediately for sales. Colin was oblivious to the fact that Sales had already spoken to me, and that I was already in the process of setting up the Clearcase server. What he should have done, if anything (and that is also up for debate) is asked me if I was aware of Sales' need for a Clearcase server. I think part of it is ego, in that he thinks that Sales is coming exclusively to him. That also touches on the issue that I get absolutely no respect for my position from anyone other than Doug & Derrick. It could also just be that everyone else in the company is so afraid of Colin (or just doesn't want to put up the effort of having to jump through additional hoops for him) that they go to him automatically for everything.<br /> -->
So i'm back to work tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fun.