20:32 Friday, April 04 2008

Inland Empire

I watched Inland Empire tonight. I should have learned long ago that David Lynch's films are not meant to be understood, and are more like a stream of consciousness that just washes over you. David Lynch movies seem to basically have three primary plotlines. There's the one that sorta/mostly makes sense if you don't focus too much on the details. There's the one that only makes sense if you're stoned/high. And then there's the one that only makes sense if you're David Lynch. Of course, all bets are off once any of them start to intertwine. In this film, there was the plotline with Laura Dern doing the fake film (this sorta made sense). Then there's the weird old-Europe/Polish people plot which required strong chemicals to understand. And then there's the plot with the people in rabbit suits which was beyond bizarre.