19:08 Thursday, January 01 2008

I need more power

What a crappy day. Actually, my day went reasonably ok up until around 1PM, when it all went to hell. I worked from home today, because I needed to take Denise's car in for 20k mile service (and she spends her days teaching David). Right around 1PM, as I'm working on a project, the power went out. I spent about a half hour wandering around aimlessly, debating whether to drive into work when the power suddenly came back on. Unfortunately, my computer wouldn't power on. I tried a few things (reseating the RAM, shorting the power leads on the mobo), but nothing helped, it just did nothing when I hit the power button. My best guess was that the power supply got fried when the power went out. Since I was effectively dead in the water, I went into work at that point. Unfortunately, I didn't get terribly much accomplished there, as I wasted a chunk of time fighting with some of the vista boxes. Out of sheer frustration, I gave up, and headed back home (picking up a new power supply on the way). Thankfully, after swapping out the power supply, I was back in business. A few hours later, I actually got something useful accomplished for work too. I enhanced the benchmarking graphs to make the number of days of results configurable, rather than just showing everything (which at this point was about 6 months worth). This was actually more than I was planning on doing, as I really just needed to reduce the number of days shown (I was going to go with a 60 day rolling view), but I felt both inspired & motivated to get something concrete accomplished, so I plowed on and made it configurable to boot.
The next 4 days are supposed to be nothing but non-stop rain. Hopefully there won't be any more power outages (or DSL either).