22:42 Friday, December 12 2007

I am Legend

I saw I am Legend tonight. It was entertaining for what it was, but it had so much more potential that was squandered away on hairless mutants. The film really only had 3.5 characters. Will Smith, his wife, the dog, and Anna (I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out which of them is the half character, but it ain't the dog). You'd think a film with so few characters with speaking parts would make more of an effort to give them some depth, or develop the plot alot better. Instead they relied on some hokey special effects which accomplished little (how many times do I have to see hairless mutants howling & scrambling like baboons??). I'm even willing to overlook the multitude of plot holes if only the plot and/or characters had more depth or background. Oh well, bread & circus, I suppose.