16:23 Wednesday, June 06 2003

hump day, or is it prince spaghetti day?

So wednesday just rolled by. Overall today wasn't bad. Got pizza for lunch (meat lovers, veggie lovers & chicken & peppers). SourceForge-on-a-CD is basically complete, if you don't count any tweaks that i'd do to make it a bit more user friendly. I spent nearly an hour today helping Chris with a PostgreSQL explosion for a customer.
We finally scheduled a date to get the car repaired from the minor mishap last weekend. Monday morning Denise will take it in to get fixed, and we'll have a rental for about 3 days.
Its back to being quite warm here again. It hit 102F on my drive home. Thank \$deity for AC.
Denise signed up for Netflix on sunday, and got her first 3 DVDs in the mail yesterday. Futurama season1, episodes 1-4, Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the 'Eeegah' episode), and Queer as Folk season 2, episodes 1-4. She was as giddy as a child on christmas morning when they arrived yesterday. I'm a bit less excited, since i'm still downloading various forms of entertainment faster than i can watch them.
Oh, and for whomever might be reading my random thoughts, yes, i'm going to start making alot more of an effort to put my links into my ramblings, so that you'll have a better reference to whatever nonsense it is i'm talking about. Consider this post the first attempt.