08:06 Saturday, February 02 2004


Last night I watched Casino. Overall I liked it, although it was a touch on the long side at nearly 3 hours. I found it far more interesting for providing a history of Las Vegas back in the 70s and early 80s, than for the actual plot line which was at times silly, and other times overdramatic.
I foolishly stayed up until nearly 1AM last night. Then David woke me at 6:30 this morning, so i'm not quite awake, and its mostly my own fault.
Chris called last night, which was nice. I hadn't spoken to him since we hiked up Mission Peak last month. He's growing increasingly frustrated and unmotivated at his employer.
Earlier this week we booked plane tickets to fly to Pittsburgh for my sister's wedding in NY at the end of June. Denise is going to fly out with David about a week ahead of me, then i'll fly out and rent a car for the last week of the month.