17:27 Sunday, February 02 2004

fun under the clouds

This morning I took David for a walk, and it turned into so much more. I was originally planning to just walk around the complex, but David was determined to walk in the grass. So I figured I'd take him to the park so he'd have more grass to play in. He had a really great time at the park. We played on the straight and curly slides. He especially loved the curly slide that he tried to climb up. He also played with wind chimes, in the sand box, on the jungle gym. He encountered a baby that looked to be about 6 months younger than him. They mostly just stared at each other. David also was enraptured by a buy with a remote control car. David kept trying to chase the car. And david loved to run down grassy hills, and fallover and roll the rest of the way. He did that about three times. Oddly, David didn't like the swings at all. I put him in, and he started whining.
This afternoon I watched Of Mice and Men. Admittedly, I've never read the book, so I didn't have anything to compare to. Overall, it was ok, although a bit slow. Granted Steinbeck's works are a bit wordy, so the movie might have been close to the book. I'm sure that I missed a huge amount of symbolism. I should prolly track down the online version of Cliff Notes to see what I missed. One interesting aspect of the movie is that I was familiar with the town names, and the scenery, since it takes place in Central California.